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Alina Belyagina works between dance and theatre with extensive use of video and text. Born in Ukraine, based in Munich. 

Alina is educated at the Moscow State University of Culture and Arts (Journalism) . She spent three years in Poland learning ancient Greek and Latin and working as a classic ballet teacher in Silesian Dance Theater and Rozbark Dance and Movement Theater. After moving to Germany she started her choreographic career by participating in Soltunatu Tantsu Lava The PREMIERE`18 residency in Tallinn and then started working with Freies Theater München. She continued to study dance while doing projects in Tel Aviv.

As a dancer, Alina worked with, among others, United-C, Hege Haagenrud, Isabelle Schad, Claudia Castellucci, Helena Waldmann, Alexandra Pirici

Choreographic internship with Sharon Eyal ,Yasmeen Godder Company (dance for Parkinson)

Alina ’s works are presented internationally in platforms such as: Want to Dance Taipei, Laos Contemporary Dance Festival, Open Look Festival Saint-Petersburg, Tanzwerkstatt Europa Munich, Euro-Scene Leipzig, International Solo Tanz Theater Stuttgart, Process/Talk Tel-Aviv Suzanne Dellal, Soar Festival Kristiansand, Sommerwerft Frankfurt, Arena Festival Erlangen, On Bodies Cyprus


From 2022 Alina Belyagina is supported by Kulturreferat Munich, V-A-C Foundation and Chanel Culture Fund, Goethe Institut Dänemark 

Alina works between Eindhoven, Munich and Hamburg.  


Collaboration with Dance Atelier Reykjavik, Tanzhaus Zürich, in 2018 she was a guest choreographer for Gesher Theater Tel Aviv.

Alina's projects are related to the urban area, , collective, choreopolitic and  xenofeminism. She is inspired by the digital visualization and the pieces of art dealing with complex questions. 

© 2020 Choreography

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